The COPE consortium covers key stakeholders in order to achieve the project goals. It covers the areas of vehicle technology (LOI partner KTM, MAN, C2C-CC), infrastructure technology (Swarco Futurit, LOI partner C-Roads), traffic simulation / control algorithms (ANDATA), HD cards (Joanneum Research), transport logistics competence (FH Upper Austria), traffic safety (LOI partner ÖAMTC OÖ), test environments (LOI partner DigiTrans), cities and country representatives (LOI partner city of Hallein and Salzburg) and international exploitation (Hitec). Furthermore, the conditions for a comprehensive international exploitation of the results are ensured with the consortium.
Core Partners

Logistikum from the University of Applied Science Upper Austria is leading and coordinating the project. In addition they represent the interests and requirements of good transports.

The company ANDATA is responsible for the development and evaluation of the cooperative functional control algorithms on vehicle and infrastructure side for the avoidance of collisions and dangerous situations.

The HiTec marketing association is responsible for the dissemination, communication and coordination of the project with national and international stakeholders, projects and initiatives.

The research institute Joanneum Research is responsible for the form and content of HD maps including the representation of static and dynamic objects for the valid decision-making in the algorithms to avoid collisions and dangerous situations.

The company Swarco Futurit is responsible for the infrastructure-side detection and interpretation of the traffic situation. In addition they take care about the C-ITS issues and vehicle / infrastructure communication.
Associated Partners
Vehicle Technologies

KTM is the leading European motorcycle manufacturer. KTM is a potential user of the project results, in order to offer its customers technologies for improved safety to avoid motorcycle accidents and collisions with other vehicles.

MAN is one of the leading European truck manufacturers. MAN is a potential user of the project results in order to make its own trucks safer by using advanced technologies to avoid collisions – especially with vulnerable road users.
Connected Vehicles Organizations

The C2C Communication Consortium coordinates and standardizes Car-2-Car and Car-2-X messages for future connected driving. This project deals with essential content for future cooperative, connected driving.

C-Roads is the European platform for the harmonized introduction of C-ITS in Europe. The project is already preparing developments for the so-called Day 2 UseCases.

ÖAMTC is expert in vehicle and traffic safety from requirments perspective.
Authorities & Infrastruture

Salzburg is a pilot region of C-Roads and is about to implement Car-2-X technologies. With the given project contents, the possibilities of the so-called C-ITS Day-2-UseCases are already being prepared for a further improvement in traffic safety.

The city of Hallein was already a model region from the project Connecting Austria. The digital twin of the city’s dynamic content created there will be further expanded as part of the project and used to validate the project results.
Test Region

DigiTrans is one of the two test regions for automated driving in Austria and offers infrastructure and services for the validation of automated, networked driving functions.