Bicycle Project Info

Race Around Austria winner delivers data for the development of new, connected vehicle safety systems

This year’s Race Around Austria starts on Wednesday, Aug. 13th, 2020. Last year’s winner Dominik Meierhofer will be back, now supported also by ANDATA and the project COPE.

The project COPE is about developing new vehicle safety systems to prevent collisions and dangerous situations with vulnerable road users (cyclists, motorcyclists, pedestrians), starting in September 2020. This is to be done with the help future’s increased connected mobility by interconnecting road users with each other and with the infrastructure. The methodology for this is carried out by means of artificial intelligence for the assessment and cooperative awareness of traffic situations with collective perception.

With an average of more than 15,000 kilometres on the bike per year, Dominik is the ideal candidate for the collection of the relevant bicycle scenarios and situations to develop future’s networked, cooperative, automated vehicle functions. ANDATA will incorporate the situations collected by Dominik into the scenario database of the project COPE.  

For the RAA 2020 we wish all the best! Drive save at full speed, being inspired by your pace! The race progress can be watched at


Project COPE: WienZWA and Connecting Austria are becoming a trilogy now

The both pioneering projects WienZWA and Connecting Austria are becoming a trilogy now. Whilest WienZWA dealt about the comprehensive validation of connected, cooperative, automated driving (CCAD), Connecting Austria puts the focus on the potentials of CCAD with respect to traffic and vehicle efficiency. COPE will extend the potentials of CCAD with respect to safety – especially for vulnerable road users. More details will follow here soon…

Validation of connected, coopartive, automated driving and concept description of according test fields
Connected, cooperative, automated driving for the improvement of traffic and vehicle efficiency
Connected, cooperative, automated driving for the improvement of traffic and vehicle safety


COPE – coming soon!

The project COPE is intented to start beginning of September 2020. Further details will follow soon…