Digital Twin Dissemination

COPE at the ATTC event about the topic on current C-ITS achievements

On October 18, the ATTC members met with invited guests from research, development, implementation and operation to show and discuss the latest achievements and developments in the field of C-ITS, Car2X, V2X, Future’s Mobility, #CCAM (Cooperative, Connected, Automated Mobility), Intelligent Road.

FH-OÖ/Logistikum, Joanneum Research, HiTec and Swarco, ANDATA presented results from the project COPE – Collective Perception on collision avoidance with vulnerable road users. Two of our vehicles drove in real life in the city of Hallein and were displayed live in Vienna in the Kaisermühlen motorway maintenance department via a digital twin of the model region and an ongoing estimation of the collision risks was carried out in order to intervene in the traffic situation at an early stage, prevent accidents and reduce dangers.

The digital twin of the transport system of the city of Hallein was implemented in accordance with the DIGEST project, which has also just been successfully completed. In doing so, the requirements of formal information modeling were strictly followed in order to prepare a basis for later services such as ISAD/ODD (Infrastructure Support for Automated Driving with distributed ODD awareness) and subsequently expand it into a CCAM Decision Support Platform.

Digital Twin

OPC-UA as foundation for a Collective Perception Map

Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist Screenshot-2022-03-29-at-11.02.52-1024x412.png

Within the Project COPE a central database named Collective Perception Map, which provides interfaces following the Open Platform Communications – Unified Architecture (OPC-UA) is developed. These allow for the secure and correct transmission of the variables denoting the intersection’s current traffic situation. These data is available in real time in a machine readable format.

Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist Screenshot-2022-03-29-at-11.21.56-1024x483.png

The COPE map, after having been initialised with a static UHD map, is refreshed constantly with position traces of vehicles and VRUs, determined by local traffic infrastructure. These data is considered by a trajectory prediction module, which feeds collision predictions back. Consequently, a machine-readable image of the current and the next status is obtainable through the OPC server.

Digital Twin Dissemination

COPE methods presented at automotive Grand Challenge 2021

At carhs – the #1 information platform for automotive safety – the automotive Grand Challenge 2021 on 19/20 October was once again about the latest trends in virtual product development and computer aided engineering.   

The methods for scenario- and data-based development and validation of connected, cooperative, automated driving functions, as they are currently being intensively applied, constantly expanded and refined in the project COPE, were presented by ANDATA.

Digital Twin Dissemination

COPE at the ACIMobility Summit in Braunschweig

In Braunschweig – the German hotspot for connected driving – the newly arranged ACIMobility Summit took place on 21 and 22 September 2021 under the organisation of NFF, DLR and ITS mobilty.

ANDATA presented the project COPE (Collective Perception) and the methodological approaches it pursues for the development of networked algorithms for the development and avoidance of collisions with vulnerable road users. The development and safeguarding of such dirstributed algorithms require new forms of cooperation and collaboration, for which Braunschweig with the accomapnying test field of Lower Saxony offers excellent conditions.

Digital Twin

First Recordings for Digital Twins in Hallein and Linz

The teams of Joanneum Research and ANDATA executed their first recordings for a high-precision “Digital Twin” of Hallein this week. The subsequent day, equivalent measurements were done in Linz with the support of DigiTrans.

The above 3D pictures illustrate an exemplary excerpt of the recordings from the Pernerinsel in Hallein including the according infrastructure with a precision in the range of centimetres. (C) Joanneum Research

The 3D models serve as a fundament for vehicle and traffic simulations, in which the effects of the various vehicle algorithms for collision avoidance with the help of vehicle-to-motorcycle and vehicle-to-infrastructure communication in combination of different vehicle and infrastructure sensors are investigated in a wide variety of configurations with different behavioural patterns of the vulnerable road users.

The meassurement team…
…with the high precision unit of JR…
…in action during the recording session.